Monday, March 29, 2010

The Mad Hatter was right!

I have a home. A cool home. Somewhere to make my own!
It ticks all the boxes.
Not an apartment.
Has a garden.
Washing Machine is not in the kitchen.
Has a double wardrobe.
It is sunny.
It has a dishwasher.
and best of all it's mine!!!!!!(oh and James)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Home Please

Finding a house is proving harder than finding a needle in a haystack. at least with that saying there is usually only one person looking. Or there is many people working together. The odds are out to get us. Who wouldn't want a professional couple in their mid twenties living in their house. Okay maybe 23 isn't mid twenties- this will be the one of the last times I exaggerate my age- unless i want a super gold card.

Lets face it there are 4 types of places available.

1. Is very cool apartment of villa conversions and they are snapped up at the speed of lightening and we aren't even allowed to look through them

2. Okay places in okay locations - but usually part of an apartment complex meaning that we would be living in almost a ghetto community

3. Plain shit holes that i wouldnt even let animals inhabit

4. These are my favourite but me+james+myfavourites = $950 rent a week....They are gorgeous Villas or penthouse loft can dream.

So i got a lotto ticket cos at the moment the odds of a getting 2 bedroom house in the city fringe suburbs is about as likely as winning the lotto.